How Will COVID19 Affect Your 2020 Property Tax Protest
Please be advised Property Tax Lock is prepared to file your protest, gather evidence and attend an in person protest hearing to make sure that your property is valued fair and equal.
Most Appraisal Districts will be mailing out their first round of preliminary value notices on May 1st State law sets the appraisal date as January 1, 2020 for all Texas appraisal districts. Therefore the Appraisal Notice will represent your property value as of January 1, 2020, per the Property Tax Code (Sec 23.01). Any impact on values from the current health crisis would be reflected on your 2021 property valuations. It is our belief that the current health and economic crisis needs to be taken into consideration for the 2020 protest season, unfortunately the Texas Property Tax Code dictates otherwise.
Last year, the Legislature passed a law saying property damaged in a natural disaster can be eligible for exemptions ranging from 15% to 100%, depending on the extent of the damage Attorney General Ken Paxton has issued an opinion that the law only applies to property that has been physically damaged. “Purely economic, non-physical damage to property caused by the COVID-19 disaster” is not eligible, he said.
Property Tax Lock is here to help and we are offering a $25 savings to customers who sign up for 2020 using code Texans2020 at checkout.